Monday, July 28, 2008

Miscellaneous ramblings

*29 weeks, 6 days*

We had an OB appointment today, and everything's still looking good. Baby K's heartbeat was right around 140bpm, and my blood pressure and weight are looking good. It doesn't seem like there's going to be anything to worry about, but I'm going back next week for one last visit before we go on vacation. I'm not super worried about it, but there is a little anxiety about being an hour from the nearest hospital, one which I'm pretty sure does not have a higher level NICU. I know the chances are slim of anything happening, but I know a girl from my Pregnant after IVF message board whose water just broke last Friday at 29 weeks, 2 days. She's due the day after me, and now she's sitting in the hospital on strict bedrest trying to keep her little man inside as long as possible... She was having a great pregnancy until her water broke, and it just goes to show that anything can happen at any time...

Anyways, the nursery is coming along very nicely. I love to just sit in there and take it all in, and now we can sit in comfort, because our Glider and Ottoman are here!! The dresser that matches the crib is coming on Friday, and we also bought a dresser from IKEA to put in the closet for extra storage.

The cats have been so good, and I know they're starting to notice that something's going on. Of course they love anything new and, for better or worse, have to check it all out. It's hard to get too mad at these sweet boys...

Toby loves the crib, but Bear is too old to get in.

They love the new glider, and the easy access it gives them to the window!

Ben and I finished our Labor & Delivery classes at CDH. We learned *all* about the stages of labor, breathing and relaxation methods, etc. We got a tour of the L&D and Mother/Baby units, which I was familiar with, but it was all new to Ben and he was quite impressed. We have a Breastfeeding class coming up next week, and I'm thinking about taking the Infant Care class as well. It would be a good refresher for me I think and good for Ben too, as I want him to feel as confident and knowledgeable as possible. Ben has also said that he's going to have a carseat installation "party" for his parents, my mom, & I so we can all learn how to properly install the carseat in our cars.

Not much else going on... I can't WAIT for vacation!! I need it in a bad way. :)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Miracle

*29 weeks, 4 days*

To my little boy:

"Before you were conceived, I wanted you.
Before you were born, I loved you.
Before you were here an hour, I would give my life for you.
This is the miracle of love." -Maureen Hawkins

Friday, July 25, 2008

The nursery finally takes shape!!

*29 weeks, 3 days*

It's late and I really should be in bed, but I'm SO excited to report that our nursery is *finally* starting to become a nursery. Our crib, car seat, and stroller all came today, and of course, we set up the crib as soon as we got home from work. It went really quickly, which made Ben happy because he didn't have to spend all night on it, and it made me happy because it meant I would be able to make the bed and dress up the room a bit.

Our dresser still has to be delivered and will come in the next few days, and our glider is in at the Babies R Us in Schaumburg so we're going to pick that up this weekend. Once all the furniture's in the room, I think we will *finally* be able to get organized and make the room perfect!!

Here's what we have so far...

The view from the hallway

The completed crib!

Close up of the Cubs mobile that plays part of "Take me out to the Ballgame"

Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Shower

*28 weeks, 6 days*

Yesterday was our baby shower, and it was awesome! I was so overwhelmed the moment I walked in, and I don't even think I was able to take it all in... The food, the friends, the games, the books, the gifts... Everyone went above and beyond, and we feel so amazingly lucky to have so many people who love us and our son so much!

I need to thank everyone who played a part in the planning and coordination of the event. I'm so used to being the party PLANNER, so I know how much work everyone must have put into the shower. I wish I could thank everyone individually, but I don't know who all did what. I don't even know what to say to my sister, other than THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! It was incredible, and I can imagine how much you must have put into making the shower amazing. I hope you know how much we appreciate everything you've done for us and your & Scott's neverending support.

Sarah went above and beyond on the sweets table. It was all fantastic, and we definitely appreciate all your hours of hard work! My mother-in-law and sister set up photo displays of Ben & I as kids and our friends & family as kids, as well as Baby K's ultrasound pictures. Our friends orchestrated the Dirty Diaper game, the Who will do it? game, and the Clean & Dress the Baby game, which were all so much fun! And if you still want in on the pool (guess the baby's birth date, weight & length), it costs a buck and I'll put you down on the calendar!

Baby K made out with a LOT of goodies, and Ben and I spent most of last night going through everything and taking it all in! We went through all the books, and believe it or not, there were only one or two duplicates!! I was shocked! Now we just need to get this kiddo a bookshelf for his new library!

We ordered Baby K's crib and dresser today from Pottery Barn Kids and will hopefully have it by the end of the week! I'm super excited! I think we're going to go ahead and buy the crib mattress this week so we can set everything up when the furniture arrives. We also heard from Babies R Us last week that our glider came into the distribution center and will be in the Schaumburg store in 7-14 days! Woohoo! It looks like our nursery may *finally* start coming together.

Today, Ben & I are just hanging out. Like I said, we ordered our funiture, and I think we may make a run to Target & maybe BRU today. I think we're going to use our plethora of Target giftcards to buy our carseat & stroller. Plus, we have a 10% off coupon to Target!! We're also hoping to see The Dark Knight today, thought it's almost 1:00 and neither of us has showered yet....

Thanks again to everyone for everything! We are the luckiest mommy and daddy-to-be!

Friday, July 18, 2008


What do you think? I think he kind of looks like Ben if you compare these two pictures...

I'm in love.

*28 weeks, 2 days * (well 3 days - it's after midnight)

I didn't think it was possible, but I have fallen more in love with this little boy!!!

Tonight was our 3D ultrasound, and it was incredible. He is so gorgeous and so sweet. The very first image of him took my breath away...

The ultrasound tech commented on his chubby cheeks, and I just about died! I LOVE chubby cheeks on babies, and I am thrilled that this little monster has a pudgy face! He has such full lips and a little round nose. I think it's my nose, because Ben's is pretty straight, and mine's more curved, if that makes sense. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but he has a lot of hair. She said he did and then as he moved a little, we could see it sort of floating above his head and in front of his forehead.

He's definitely a thumb sucker. He slept though most of the session and kept his hands close to his face the whole time. For awhile, his one arm was completely blocking his face. He only moved it after we poked and prodded at him, and then he got a "grumpy" face - he sort of furrowed his brow as if to say "Leave me alone mom, I'm trying to sleep." He was so active all day, and of course he pooped out just in time for us to see him! We did get a couple good kicks and punches, which we're able to relive on the DVD we got with the session.

During the entire session, I was just in awe. I didn't even really care that he was asleep, though it would have been cool to see him open his eyes and move around a bit more, but just seeing him was enough. He looks so human, so real, so perfect. It was more than I imagined it would be. I can't even put it into words. It just draws me back to a place of complete astonishment. There are still moments when everything is so surreal, and I almost can't believe that this is really happening to me! I feel so incredibly lucky every day to have this miracle baby growing inside of me, and, as cheesy as it sounds, my heart is so full of joy and love for him. I never knew I could feel like this.

A big yawn from my little man. I told you he was pooped!

Little boy, mommy & daddy can't wait to meet you and share you with the world! We are so lucky to have you, and you are so lucky to already have so many amazing friends who already love you so much. PS: Why did you have to wait until right NOW to be your typical bouncy monkey self?? I don't think I'm going to be able to fall asleep at this rate...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Where we've been

*27 weeks, 4 days*

I'm doing some mega-cleaning today in preparation for our out-of-town guests! I'm super excited that my former college roommate (and mommy-to-be), Amanda, her boyfriend Robert, & their son Isaac are coming in this weekend from Arizona to visit! In the process of cleaning, I decided it was time to throw away all the remnants of my IVF drugs that have been sitting around collecting dust since we stopped them at 10 weeks. Before I tossed them though, I took a few pictures to give you an idea of where we've been on this journey....

This is a very small percentage of the drugs we used during our two IVF cycles. Most of it was thrown out months ago, and there's still a few things in the fridge that need to go out too.

These are our leftover needles - if these are the leftovers, you can imagine how many we actually used! I decided to save these needles for next time.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I passed

*27 weeks*

We saw the OB yesterday for our monthly appointment. Baby boy's heartrate was in the low 140s, and he's measuring right on target. I had my gestational diabetes test and I passed! I wasn't at all concerned. They called today to say that my glucose levels are normal, but my hemoglobin is a bit low. I'm anemic - shocking. I'm chronically anemic anyways, but I have to call them back tomorrow to see what they want me to do to improve my iron levels.

We finally found a glider that we like and that Ben fits in, and we even have a coupon for it. It's the Carter's Glider & Ottoman Combo from Babies R Us.

We were all set to order it on Sunday, but of course, there was a glitch. None of the stores in the state or the distribution center in Missouri have it in stock. I find this especially annoying, because this exact chair was advertised in a BRU flyer we just got last week, and I don't understand how they can advertise something that's not even available! I did talk to the furniture manager at the BRU in Schaumburg and she put me on a waiting list, so when it comes into the distribution center at the end of the month, she'll call me so we can order it. She's even willing to honor the coupon that expires on the 24th. Yeah she will...

I have a 3D ultrasound scheduled for the evening of July 17th. We're going to Stork Snapshots in Naperville. I am SO excited to get a glimpse at what this little man looks like! I'm getting impatient, so hopefully this ultrasound will satisfy us for a little while...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us!

*26 weeks, 5 days*

Yesterday was our five year wedding anniversary! I can't believe how quickly five years has passed and how much our lives have changed in such a relatively short amount of time. So many things have happened, including me changing jobs in 2003, buying our house in 2004, traveling to Europe in 2006, and undergoing IVF and ultimately becoming pregnant in 2008! To celebrate, we went out to dinner last night and brunch this morning at the restaurant at Cantigny, where our wedding reception was held. Here are a few pictures from the wedding so we can all reminisce...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America

*26 weeks, 3 days*

Happy 4th of July to all! I had quite a busy day today, and for the first time in ages, I felt productive! I've been sick since the middle of last week with a sinus infection-slash-head cold, and I just can't seem to kick it. I was on antibiotics for five days, and now I'm hoping Sudafed and Vitamin C can do the trick. I do feel the best today that I've felt in days, thank goodness.

Anyways, this morning I went to the Wheaton parade, followed by a visit to Ben's grandma's house for lunch. After a short time there I came home, and totally got on a roll cleaning the house! I cleaned out the garage, reorganized the cabinets in the garage and laundry room, cleaned up the kitchen, dining room, & living room, and scrubbed both toilets! I was good and sweaty when I was done - the sign of a productive day!

Tonight we had the fam over for BBQ, the Cubs, & the fireworks. Everyone (including a small dog) watched the fireworks from the roof, except for me and Julie - thanks for keeping me and baby company! Ben's BBQing was great as always, the Cubs won, AND I got all of that cleaning done, so it was pretty much a perfect day.

After everyone left, I was reclining on the couch, with my shirt pulled up past my belly, and I could literally SEE the baby kicking. My belly was bouncing with every kick!! I told Ben to look, and he saw it too! He put his hand on my belly, and he FINALLY felt our little monkey move for the first time!!! Yay!