Thursday, February 21, 2008

And thus begins the nausea...

*7 weeks, 2 days*

Yeah, I thought I was in the clear. I was feeling pretty confident that I just might be safe... I was wrong. On Tuesday night, Ben had to go and make beef stroganoff, which I usually love, but the smell, taste, texture, everything just turned my stomach. I felt HORRIBLE! I mean I felt gross, but I also felt so bad, because he always labors over dinner for me, and then I didn't eat ANY of it. I couldn't. Even now thinking back makes me a little queasy...

Wednesday, we had another ultrasound. On the way to the doctor, the queasiness started again. Deep breaths, lots of water, small bites of my strawberry breakfast bar... and then it passed. The appointment went well. We went in for the ultrasound and the bean was measuring 6 weeks, 6 days, plus or minus 2 days. I'm going with plus based on human calculation error, and the fact that we know without a doubt (based on the date of my egg retrieval and fertilization) that I was 7 weeks, 1 day. She said it looked good though. The heartbeat was 129, right smack in the normal range (between 90 to 160). It's so weird seeing that little bugger and the flicker that is the heartbeat. The image changes every time we see it, and it's starting to look a teeny bit more like something....

Click on image to enlarge

Click on image to enlarge

Don't get too excited that it looks like there's two somethings in there - the blob on the left is the baby and on the right is the yolk sack.

1 comment:

*mar* said...

The blob on the left is the baby~~I just about cracked up when I read this. I don't know why, but I thought it was so funny! Just wanted to share...